Cage Rental (no machine)

  • 30 min = $25

  • 1 hr = $50

  • Comes with bucket of balls, tee, L-screen. 

  • Cages & equipment must be returned to original condition. 

*Cage rentals are available for longer than 1 hour, depending on availability. A longer rental must be booked in person, or over the phone!

*A 1-hour notice is required to reschedule cage rental reservations.

Machine Cage Rental

The UT3020 Ultimate Trainer Baseball & Softball Pitching Machine allows each batter to choose from 48 different pitch speeds & types of pitches! Fastballs, curveballs, high arc, low arc, and a wide variety of pitch heights give the batter 337 total options. The touch screen controls on the kiosk at the batting station makes it easy for the batter to make adjustments. 

  • 15 min = $15

  • 30 min = $30

    There is no pitch limit during your rental time….. Unlimited # of swings!

    Real baseballs are used to give you a game like feel.

* Machine cage rentals are available for longer than 30 minutes, depending on availability. A longer rental must be booked in person, or over the phone!

*A 1-hour notice is required to reschedule machine cage rental reservations.

TEAM Rentals

If you are a select team looking for a facility to host your weekly “cage night” practices, then you’ve come to the right place.

  • $50 per hour each cage.

TEAM Rental Package Plan:

Lone Star offers a Team Package Plan, which takes 10% off each cage rental, as long as you reserve at least 1 hour a week for 3 months. This allows teams to get the necessary amount of swings in between gamedays, so they can dominate all season long.

  • minimum 3 month/1x a week booking (have to pay for 1st month upfront).

  • 10% discount on each cage rental.

If you want to bring a team into our facility, or if you are interested in using our own Lone Star instructors to run your team through a full 60-min class, please call 361-815-4997 & we will help you set that up over the phone!